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Preloading images


Website for RRisnei, an Amsterdam based personal organiser.

Besides the responsive website, I also developed a custom CMS system with Mongo DB that allows the client to update the texts of the sections.

On the design side, I tried to keep the visuals as clean and organised as possible, using static layouts and images with white predominance to illustrate every section and steps of their work process.

Role: Art Direction, Design, Web Development full stack

Image credits (in order of appearance): Lisa Summer, Charolotte May, Mikhail Nilov, Tima Miroshnichenko (Pexels), (Unsplash), Karolina Grabowska, Cottonbro, Blue Bird (Pexels)

Tools: Figma, Photoshop, Visual Studio Code, Postman, Mongo Atlas

Technologies: Pug, SASS, Java Script, Node.js, MongoDB, custom API, Heroku

Status: Online prototype